“I’ve Gotten My Diagnostic, Now What?”
So you’ve just found out that you need a garage door spring repair, but what does that really mean? Does some professional show up, unscrew a few things, and then it’s fixed? If you’re anything like us, you want to be informed so that you can know what to look out for before and after your repair.
In this article, we’ll be breaking down garage door spring repair and giving you the ultimate guide to the who’s who and the what’s what. More specifically, we’ll be talking about what garage door springs do and exactly how they’ll be replaced when the time comes.
Step 1: Do Your Research
There are a lot of questions that come up when our garage door system becomes inoperable. What are all of the parts? What do they do? It’s important to do your research so that you have an understanding of what the diagnosed issue is and what may have caused it so that you can try to avoid future incidents with proper maintenance. When it comes to garage door springs, here are some common questions and answers:
What is a garage door spring? – A tightly wound metal coil that counterbalances the weight of your garage door
Which kind of garage door spring(s) do I have? – There are torsion springs and extension springs. Torsion springs are most common and are mounted just above your garage door. We will be discussing garage door spring repair for torsion springs for the remainder of this blog
How do they work? – Garage door springs work by retaining a certain amount of tension which counterbalances the weight of your door
What does a repair entail? – A repair typically involves removing the old or damaged spring and replacing it with a new one
Step 2: Call A Service Professional
No matter what, never try to perform repair projects on your garage door alone. Your garage door is extremely heavy, and the components that allow it to function hold high amounts of tension to counterbalance the weight. Especially your garage door springs! When in need of garage door spring repair, be sure to contact an expert service professional to perform your garage door spring repair or replacement.
Step 3: Know The What’s What
Now that you’ve gathered the important questions and scheduled your service appointment, let’s talk about the actual what’s what with garage door spring repair. Your service professional will perform a series of tasks to complete the job which will require the use of several different tools and tightening agents.
Removing the Old Garage Door Spring(s)
If your garage door spring is completely broken or otherwise irreparable, it’ll need to be replaced. All garage door spring replacements begin with removing the old or broken hardware. A service professional will do this by loosening the pre-existing spring using a specialized tool called a winding bar and then carefully unwinding the spring and disconnecting it from the center bracket that helps hold it in place. They will then completely remove the right and left sides of the spring from the torsion tube on which it rests.
Inserting New Springs
After the old or broken equipment has been removed, the new right and left sides of the garage door spring may be inserted onto the torsion tube. Typically, during this stage, your service professional will deal with any brackets, rollers, or cables that may be rusted and need to be replaced. This will certify that your new garage door springs aren’t having to work any harder to perform their required task or overcompensate for other hardware that isn’t at peak condition.
Finishing Touches
Once all of your hardware is updated, your service professional will wind your garage door springs to tighten them to standard using the winding bar. They will then stretch your springs to the appropriate length and lubricate them with garage door lubricant to ensure that they aren’t too rigid to perform properly.
Testing, Testing, 1,2,3…
Testing your new equipment is the final step in your garage door spring repair. A professional serviceman will want to make sure that your new hardware is functioning appropriately. At this point, your garage door should be opening and closing smoothly on your new garage door springs!
Furry Overhead Door Is Happy To Serve You!
Now that you are armed with all the information you need to stay informed before and after your garage door spring repair, allow Furry Overhead Door to service your Southern Alabama or Champaign, IL business or residence!